*Indiana turkeys, Peanut Butter & Jelly, were chosen because of their “temperament, appearance, and I suspect their vaccination status,” President Biden joked in 2021 during the pandemic. “Instead of getting basted, they’re getting boosted.”
*Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey to be the national bird. He lost out to the bald eagle.
*Turkey eggs are tan with brown specks and larger than chicken eggs.
*A baby turkey is called a poult and is tan and brown.
*The Presidential Flock is well trained for media appearances before they get near the White House.
*According to Wikipedia, the president who gave the most pardons (not including turkeys) during four terms in office was FDR (Franklin D. Roosevelt) with 3,687.
*Male adult turkeys are called toms; females are called hens.
*A turkey has 18 tail feathers, 12-15 inches long.
*It takes 75-80 pounds of feed to raise a 38-pound turkey.
*Vegan turkey may be called Tofurky (brand name) or Holiday Roast. It’s usually made from tofu (soybeans) or seitan (wheat protein) and stuffed with grains, breads, herbs, and spices.
*Turkeys can run up to 25 miles per hour.
*President Bill Clinton pardoned 456 people and 4 turkeys.
* Wild turkeys are native to North America.
*According to Wikipedia, the presidents who gave no pardons were William Henry Harrison who died shortly after taking office and James A. Garfield who was assassinated in his first year in office.
*Pardoned turkeys have fun names, like Marshmallow and Yam (George W. Bush, 2005) and Drumstick and Wishbone (Donald Trump, 2017).
*In 2024, outgoing President Joe Biden, pardoned Minnesotans Peach and Blossom. “He [Peach] lives by the motto, keep calm and gobble on [while] Blossom’s motto was, No fowl play, just Minnesota nice.”
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